Originally posted on 31 March 2010

Sheffield Renewables’ volunteer model makers saw their labours bear fruit last Saturday as the bike-powered generator was finished. Our model making workshop leader Matt helped a new volunteer solder the electrical bits and pieces together, putting the finishing touches to the working model. The photo above shows Matt studying a small display which gives the amount of power that is produced when Jan pedals as quickly as he can.
The bike-powered generator has been designed so that pedal power can be used to charge everything from mobile telephones to laptops. It will be on display as part of our stall for members of the public to try out and find out more. Our stall will be at various festivals over the summer, including Peace in the Park and the Green Fair so why not come along and check it out?
Work also continued on our model Archimedes screw. Progress is picking up pace with the number of volunteers working on it increasing all the time. Keep checking the website regularly to be the first to know when it is completed.
The model making workshops are held monthly and new volunteers are always welcome. You don’t have to be a DIY genius to help out as there is a wide variety of tasks to work on and guidance is always given. If you are interested in finding out more, you can check out the Events section of the website to see when the next workshop is being held and you are always welcome to get in touch if you have any questions or would like to know more.