Originally posted on 22 December 2009

A happy group of volunteers, supporters and investors met in the Rutland Arms to celebrate progress in 2009 and to look forwards to 2010. They were forced to earn their ‘free’ buffet by testing their drawing skills to recreate their most memorable Sheffield Renewables moment of 2009.
Memories included:
– A 4am start to a day of site assessment at Kelham Island
– Passionate debates in group meetings (about really important things!)
– Intense form filling to meet grant application deadlines
– Peddling frantically trying to get the bicycle powered generator to light a bulb
(before going back to the drawing board to design a better system)
– Being inspired by talking to a Sheffield Renewables volunteer at one of our festival stands
– Fulfilling a life’s ambition of riding a penny farthing (!)
Some of the best pictures were then chosen to accompany this blog entry. A well timed buffet arrived and people continued chatting and eating well into the night. We all left with a great sense of optimism and ambition for what is possible in 2010.