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Community Action for our Energy Future

Total energy produced by our projects so far: 

1,160,536 kWh
Guy's confident presenting style easily filled the lecture theatre

Sheffield Renewables has made significant steps in enhancing their relationship with Engineers Without Borders. Based at the University, the Sheffield branch of EWB represents an obvious source of great potential, with many young engineers looking for opportunities to put their skills and ideas into practice.

Using presentations put together by the SR communications team, points that were covered during the evening included: the ethos of Sheffield Renewables, the current projects at Jordan Dam and Kelham Island, funding and investment details, how Sheffield Renewables was formed and how it operates now, possible involvement by EWB on current and future projects and general publicity events.

All those present showed a keen level of interest with many engineers indicating they would be happy to take on a volunteering role with Sheffield Renewables. It illustrates the willingness of Sheffield Renewables to work together with other groups to deliver the best possible outcome for all who support and invest with us.

Our first collaborative success was achieving a flawless 20/20 performance in the University Arms pub quiz, but due to lack of knowledge of birds and 1950s novels we unfortunately missed out on free drinks!

Guy (volunteer).