On Sunday, August 21st we held a special event at Kelham Island museum to consult local residents about our plans to re-install a waterwheel in the wheel pit behind Kelham Island Brewery.
We have been present at Kelham Island and the museum on about a dozen other occasions, but this time, in the light of the pending planning application, we leafleted the nearby apartments and asked local pubs and networks to advertise the event.
Just over a dozen people came to speak to us in the museum, and several others read the information on our display boards near the wheel pit later in the afternoon. Two local residents also contacted us by email as they were unable to attend on the day.
Overall there was good interest and support for the scheme. We talked to some local residents who raised concerns on various issues including noise, architecture and biodiversity. We explained the efforts we are making to explore options that mitigate potential problems. This included the assessments involved and plans for necessary work.