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Community Action for our Energy Future

Total energy produced by our projects so far: 

1,160,536 kWh

We recently submitted our bid to energyshare which we hope will win us a significant amount of the funding we need to build Jordan Dam Hydro. We now have a nervous wait until the judges announce the ‘Top 10’ projects which will go to the final public vote. This announcement will be made by the end of December. The grant is a key part of our plans to raise the half a million pounds we need to build Jordan Dam Hydro, alongside our Community Share offers and loans.

We were in second place when the first round closed, with 650 supporters. Since then projects in Bradford, Gloucestershire and Northumberland have over taken, leaving us just over 300 supporters behind the most popular group. Once again the more supporters we can get, the better our chances of being chosen for the ‘Top 10’. Registering on energyshare is also important because otherwise you can’t take part in the public vote.

To help out, please see the instructions below. We will be updating our profile on energyshare regularly. Depending on your account settings, this may mean you receive email updates. The instructions at the end of the page tell you how you can choose what emails you receive from energyshare.

Registering support
1. Click on this link.
2. Left click on the red box on the right hand side which says ‘support this group’.
3. Fill in the required information, indicated by a red asterix.
4. An email will be sent to you asking you to confirm your registration, please follow this link and confirm.
Your support for our grant application will then be registered.

Choosing the information you want to receive
1. Log in on the energyshare website
2. Select ‘My Page’ from the options across the top
3. Select ‘Settings’ on the right hand side in the box titled ‘Your Information’
If you scroll down you get to the ‘Contact preferences’ section which allows you to choose whether or not:
– messages from other energyshare members can be sent to you ‘inbox’ within the energyshare site
– energyshare can send messages from other members to your email address
– you receive the energyshare newsletter and updates from the energyshare team
– energyshare can contact you about relevant products and services
– energyshare partners can contact you about relevant products and services

You can also choose whether or not you want to receive alerts to your email address when:
– Sheffield Renewables adds a link to a new blog post on our website or press article about us, along with updates to any other content you choose to follow (other energyshare groups, information guides, other blogs etc)
-someone makes a comment on the Sheffield Renewables group and any other energyshare groups you are supporting

If you choose to receive these updates you can choose whether you receive email alerts instantly, daily, weekly or monthly.