Following the AGM in January, it was agreed that Sheffield Renewables would hold an SGM on the 26th March to update members on progress with work on the tender proposals for Jordan Dam. Once again it was a snowy evening but 54 members still managed to attend and a further 54 members gave votes via email.
Items discussed were:
- The future of the Jordan Dam project
- A potential new solar project
- A motion was put to members to vote
Jordan Dam Hydro
Due to the new environment agency fish pass requirements and escalating costs members were informed that the Jordan Dam project would not be feasible in the foreseeable future. If Jordan Dam became a viable project again Sheffield Renewables still would look to implement it. Please see the link below for the presentation given by our Chair that gives further details:
Sheffield Renewables proposed solar project
Some of our volunteers have been looking in to future projects for Sheffield Renewables and after some ground work have decided that the most feasible project for Sheffield Renewables to implement would be a medium size solar array. The solar panels will be put on a site of an organisation with strong community links and electricity sold to the organisation at below market rate. The link below shows the presentation given by one of our volunteers, who has been working on the solar project, and our finance director.
The motion was put to members to suspend the development of Jordan Dam and make the development of a series of solar schemes a priority. The motion was passed by a majority of those present and those who voted by email. The ratios were about the same: 47 voted for the motion by email, with 6 against or abstaining. This was roughly the same as those at the meeting.
Sheffield Renewables will now prepare and present a business case to members by June, this will give a full financial model along with a detailed risk analysis.