The room full of volunteers were chatting in small groups from the start at this month’s team based discussion night. The sneak preview of Powerstation Sheffield’s Renewable Trumps bought out the valuable team spirit as volunteers competed against fellow team members to practise for the team challenge.
They soon realised that there was a serious side to the fun – the alpha testing of the computer game. The promise of a free pint got some teams racing against the clock to get the highest score, while others were sidetracked by details which needed to be tweaked before the game’s release. The final scores were:
OU – 10
Dedicated to Gizmo – 17
Flash were joint with Panellists – 18
Raa – 23
Bags for Life – 24
Robin Hood – 26
In true climate change busting spirit, the winners chose to convert their prize into energy efficiency advice for the pub we were in. Further details about the game are under wraps until the launch, which is coming soon…..